JS React

Free, open-source JavaScript library

Things You Should Know about JSReact

ReactJS is a declarative, efficient, and flexible JavaScript library for building reusable UI components. It is an open-source, component-based front end library responsible only for the view layer of the application. It was created by Jordan Walke, who was a software engineer at Facebook.

What is JSReact?

React is a front-end UI JavaScript library that requires input from a user, which will drive other processes smoothly. Using React Js, developers need less time to develop an interactive web page and has much fewer opportunities for errors and bugs.

Why Use React?

Facebook created React in 2011 but is now widely used by other companies.

JavaScript is also widely used object-oriented programming language and software platform that runs on billions of devices, including notebook computers, mobile devices, gaming consoles, medical devices and many others. The rules and syntax of Java are based on the C and C++ languages. One major advantage of developing software with Java is its portability.